Old Craft, New Tradition

Let’s talk about Old Son’s real quick, and where the name came from, what it means and what we stand for. Our core pillars of Natural Ingredients, Dedicated Craftsmanship and Sustainable Production all lend themselves well to our brand logo. The mighty barley, the sharpened axe and the confident fir tree. By these powers combined, we are Captain Planet! But they also represent a new road ahead for us young men, aging sons, and new fathers.

We know whisky production is rooted in centuries of refined process, strict methods and ingredients depending on where you hail from and we don’t mean to discredit that one bit. We respect the hell out of the heritage of whisky, where it comes from and where it’s going, but it’s that very notion where we want to kick it up a notch. We don’t want to be just another bottle on a shelf. When you think of Old Son’s Distillery, we want you to think of craft distilling, small batch releases and the like, but we also want you to think of those memories around a campfire, or a cottage patio in the heat of a July night. Think of those ice-fishing trips, or the chalet after a day on the mountain.

Our goal is to provide that experience to you one day. Our vision is to create a zero-emissions distillery synonymous with nature. We want to harness the power of the earth and celebrate what it yields to us. Fresh air, clear waters and an experience to remember. That’s the real emotion behind Old Craft, New Tradition. So join us, help us grow into the business we aim to be.


The Old Sons

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