We Did A Thing

Here at Old Son's we know we have a good product. How do we know? We asked people. We asked a few hundred people, a couple of times. And through polite face-to-face interaction and some real sneaky body language reading, they told us that our whisky is tasty. We already knew that, but damn it feels good to hear that answer.
We poured a lot of love into making a good product with a fun label and some key brand tenets, but we need to sell more. Arguably we need to market more, but relax for a second. Demand generation will come. We kept telling ourselves we didn't want to get caught up in the sales churn. We didn't want to be just another bottle on a shelf. Reality can be cruel.
Skipping ahead to the thing we did. We figured in order for us to sell more, we needed to find people who knew how to sell. So that's what we did. We're proud to announce that we've partnered with VNDR Beverage Group to help us get Stiff Upper Lip onto more local LCBO shelves just in time for the weather to get sniffly and the holidays to get us clinking glasses a bit more.
We can't express enough how excited we are to start sweating distribution problems. Hell yeah, business ownership. Hell yeah.
The Old Sons
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